5 Healthy Habits You Can Start Today That Will Cost You Nothing

In need of some healthy habits without spending a fortune? Read on… it’s easy to see why so many people are living a very unhealthy lifestyle nowadays.

So many of us are watching too much TV (yes, I do watch Netflix, too.)

But is it affecting your physical or emotional wellbeing? We can all get caught up in making false promises to join a gym or keep fit class, but how many of us actually take action?

Not that many.

So, let’s talk about starting some new healthy habits to get you started. Remember, you need to form new habits before you can achieve your goals.

It doesn’t have to be difficult. Even these small healthy habits will make a different if you keep doing them every day.

Healthy Habits

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1. Get more fresh air – a healthy habit

This new habit doesn’t cost anything. Just parking the car a few blocks away from your place of work and walking the rest of the journey will set you up for the day.

During your lunch break make a new habit of going out of the building and avoid eating at your desk.

Instead walk to a coffee shop or store nearby and order a healthy drink instead of a sugar filled soda.

Healthy Habits

2. S-L-O-W down when you’re eating

If you’re always rushing around and eating on-the-go, then it’s time to SLOW DONE and enjoy your food more.

Be mindful of what you eat. Concentrate on what you are eating and turn off your phone so that you’re not distracted.

Take a look at the Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food by Jan Chouzen Bays. The author discusses the nine types of hunger, approaches to slow down and appreciate food.

She also provides a multitude of exercises to work through to help change your approach to eating.

3. Get enough shut eye – a healthy habit

Are you in the habit of only sleeping a few hours a night? Perhaps you’re working on a project late at night and just can’t switch off.

For a healthy lifestyle you need to sleep enough hours to feel refreshed. By doing so you’ll also reduce your stress levels.

Being well rested means you always feel more energized, as well as being able to focus and concentrate much more on your day ahead.

Try going to bed just 30 minutes earlier than usual for a few nights and gradually build up to a reasonable time retire.

Also, don’t work on your computer or phone just before you go to bed. Research shows technology affects our sleep routine from Sleep.org.

Check out their great tips for avoiding technology at night.

4. Drink enough water – a healthy habit

Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water before every cup of coffee or tea you consume. I’m not a great lover of water but one way I make sure I get enough H2O everyday is drinking a glass of water while I’m waiting for my kettle to boil.

Water is a healthy and cheap choice for quenching your thirst at any time. Oh, and it has no calories and contains no sugars to damage your teeth.

If you do not like the taste of plain water, try sparkling water or add a slice of lemon or lime.

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5. Get more out of your day – a healthy habit

For many there aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in healthy exercise. But what if you were to wake up an hour earlier and either going for a run/walk or doing a workout.

If you get into the habit of getting a good night’s sleep, then waking earlier can help you stay fit and healthy. 

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