5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Overwhelm and Feel Calm Again

Are you looking to get rid of overwhelm in your life? The thing is, we’re so overwhelmed and overloaded with information nowadays it’s easy to feel our brain is cluttered with stuff.

Some years there was a study conducted by researchers at the University of California-San Diego that  believes we humans are inundated every day with an equivalent amount of 34 Gb (gigabytes).

To put this into perspective this is enough capacity to overload a typical laptop in a week. So, you can see why you’re feeling so overwhelmed with information overload today.

But what can you do to declutter your brain and start to focus more clearly and become more productive?

Here are a few strategies that can help you think clearly again.


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1. S-L-O-W down to get rid of overwhelm

Just the simple act of adjusting your pace throughout your day can make your life much more rewarding.

You’re probably rushing around taking care of others. You’re trying to do so many things at once… and while we women are good at multi-tasking, it can often take its toll our mental health.

Here’s an easy solution. Stop what you’re doing now and again, just focus on the one thing that’s important at that time.

Connect with nature and take time out if you’re feeling really overwhelmed and get some fresh air. Just a short walk in a park to connect with nature can do wonders when you’re feeling stressed.

2. Clear your mind and your lungs

Taking in more oxygen can only benefit your mental and physical health. Just stopping what you’re doing and taking some deep breaths can help to blow away your worries and cobwebs.

3. Start a journal to get rid of overwhelm

Writing in a daily or weekly journal can really help you slow down your brain processing and help you focus on one thing at a time.

Jot down your concerns or issues and also what is making you happy on that day. Here’s an interesting article from Huffington Post that covers 10 Surprising Benefits You’ll Get From Keeping a Journal.

When you actually see written down what’s on your mind it makes it so much easier to see what changes you need to make to get rid of the feeling of overwhelm you’re going through.

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4. Sleep well

Going through your day at top speed with only a few hours of sleep a night, will eventually wear you out. Your body and your mind need time to recuperate after each busy day.

Your energy levels will dwindle and you’ll find it hard to concentrate at work or at home. Try to get at least six to eight hours of sleep a night to rebuild your energy levels and clear your mind.

Also, don’t work on your computer or phone just before you go to bed. Research shows technology affects our sleep routine from Sleep.org. Check out their great tips for avoiding technology at night.

5. Work-Life balance helps you get rid of overwhelm

One final way to get rid of overwhelm is to maintain a good work-life balance. This may seem a challenge if you’ve a job and kids to organize. But the secret is to create a schedule that best suits YOUR needs.

Keep a check in your journal of your stress levels on a day-to-day basis and find activities that help you reduce stress. Incorporate your stress reducing activities into your work-life and your home-life for the best results.

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