10 Easy Ways to Get a Healthy Gut (For Weight Loss)

So, why is it important to get a healthy gut? In case you aren’t aware your body contains trillions of bacteria.

To be more precise there are around 40 trillion bacteria in your body, most of which are in your intestines.

Having a healthy gut can also help you maintain a healthy weight. This is because your gut bacteria has a great influence on

  • how your food is digested
  • when you feel full or hungry
  • how you store fatget a healthy gut

Research shows us eating high-fiber foods like fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains can all promote healthy gut bacteria.

The gut bacteria in your digestive system helps you absorb nutrients and aids your immune system against colds, flus and viruses.

What you choose to eat and drink has the greatest impact on the flora, or gut bacteria, in your body.

OK, so what do people do to maintain a healthy gut and digestive tract?

1. Reduce your sugar intake

You probably know by now the Western world consumes far too much sugar in their daily diet. Many in the medical and scientific professional consider sugar to be a toxin.

Not only does it promote weight gain, but it is proven to cause major health risks. These include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, and cardiovascular morbidity and even mortality.

So, should you use artificial sweeteners instead? Artificial sweeteners are marketed as a healthy alternative to sugar and as a tool for weight loss.

However, research data shows that this isn’t always the case in clinical practice. 

Consuming plant-based and natural sugar like Stevia which is 100% natural is a healthy alternative. Best of all it contains zero calories and has no known adverse health effects. It has been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels

2. Eat a plant-based diet

Many people have changed their whole approach to eating healthily. According to the Harvard Medical School, a plant-based diet can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Here are a few recommendations for eating a plant-based diet and increasing your chances of having a healthy gut. 

Foods to eat to stay healthy:

  • Use healthy oils like olive and canola
  • Eat more variety of vegetables
  • Eat lots of fruit of all colors
  • Drink water, tea or coffee (with no or limited sugar)
  • Limit milk/dairy 1-2 glasses a day
  • Juice 1 glass a day
  • Eat a variety of whole grains
  • Protein choices, fish, poultry, beans and nuts 

How to get a healthy gut

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3. Adjust your fiber intake

People are paying more attention to the amount of firer in their daily diet. While most people need to eat more fiber to have a healthier gut, there are a few people that would do well to eat less.

The recommendation from the medical community is 25-35 grams per day.

4. Consider taking probiotics

So what are probiotics? Probiotics are live microorganisms. When taken in sufficient amounts, they can help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. 

As much of your digestive system is made up of bacteria or flora, certain foods can help towards maintaining a healthy gut.

Many people choose to take probiotics in capsule or pill form, which is more convenient. Probiotics are a great way to improve your gut health.

get a healthy gut

5. Chew your food thoroughly

Most of us live busy lives and there is a tendency nowadays to ‘eat on the go’. Fast food drive-ins make it easy for us to order in a hurry, eat in a hurry and keep rushing about.

But did you know experts advise us to chew our food 32 times before swallowing? Yes, that’s right 32 times. Basically, the more you chew your food, the easier it is to digest.

When you chew your food thoroughly, it helps your digestive system to break down the food into smaller portions and promotes a healthy gut.

6. Eat a healthy diet to get a healthy gut

Eating unhealthy food is bad for every part of your body, including your gut. Maximize your health by eating the healthiest possible diet.

Foods you should AVOID:

  • Limited butter and avoid trans fats
  • Avoid sugary drinks
  • Limit refined grains (white bread, white rice)
  • Limit red meat and cheese
  • Avoid bacon, cold cuts and other processed meats

7. Relax more!

We seem to be all rushing about, going to work, getting the groceries, taking care of our families’ schedules.

But stress can creep up on us and have a negative effect on our whole emotional and physical wellbeing.

Signs of stress can be, feeling frustrated and out of control. Being irritable and annoyed by small insignificant issues.  Minimizing the amount of stress in your life can do wonders for your overall health.

A popular choice for many people to reduce their stress levels is to use mindfulness techniques to slow down and appreciate the good things in life.

Two other ways to relax and manage your stress is to start coloring books or start a gratitude journal.

get a healthy gut

8. Get enough sleep

When you get enough sleep your whole body benefits, not just your gut and digestive tract.  The average adult should get around seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

Although many people function on a lot less (or a lot more… think students).

If you’re struggling with insomnia you may want to consider natural sleep relief remedies like Luna with melatonin or Nuvan Shut Eye by neurologist Dr. Mahyar Okhovat.

Disclaimer: Always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking any new medication.

9. Consume bone broth

One of the latest trends in the health and fitness sector is bone broth. Bone broth is made by boiling bones and connective tissues.

Whilst there isn’t an in-depth study on the benefits of bone broth, it is known to be rich in important amino acids and minerals.

It may also offer improved gut health, joint and skin health. Making homemade bone broth can be time-consuming, but you can purchase bone broth products online or in a store.

10. Eat fermented foods

Fermented foods have been around for centuries. But in the Western world, we seem to be just catching up with how they can improve our digestive systems. Here are a few fermented products you may (or may not) have heard of:

Fermented foods:

  • Kefir – rich in minerals and vitamins particularly vitamins B and K
  • Miso – this popular Japanese dish is made up for fermented soybeans and grains
  • Sauerkraut – fermented cabbage, easy to make at home
  • Lassi – from soured milk 
  • Kimchi – fermented cabbage and other vegetables
  • Tempeh – fermented soybeans – popular with vegetarians
  • Yogurt – provides a contribution to gut microflora

Fermented foods are essentially probiotics in food form. Yogurt and sauerkraut are two of the most common examples.

Miso, kefir, tempeh, pickles, and kimchi are other options. Some types of pieces of bread such as sourdough are made with fermented dough.

In conclusion, if you haven’t given any thought to your gut health, then you certainly can do more to improve your overall health.

What you eat and your choice of lifestyle all make a big impact on every cell of your body. Paying attention to your gut health will not only benefit your overall wellness but also help you stay fit. 

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