Procrastination – 5 Really Important Tips to Finally Put a Stop To It

If you suffer from procrastination then these tips should help you put some organization back in your world.

Lucky for me, I’m quite an action taker and fairly organized person (smile) but I can be a bit messy now and again.

Procrastination will cause you to put off important decisions, projects at work, tasks around the house and much more.

Here’s a few tips to really get you motivated and help with those things you keep putting off. Here’s a great definition of procrastination I found from

“Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. So, whether you refer to it as procrastination or akrasia or something else, it is the force that prevents you from following through on what you set out to do.”

5 Really Important Tips to Stop Procrastination


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1. Have a serious talk with yourself

You really are capable of being more organized, all you have to do is believe you can do it… and make the effort.

One way to tackle this is to set a few tasks for yourself each day, then have a word with yourself in the mirror.

Confirm to yourself that you’ll get all those tasks finished before the end of the day.

2. Get the most difficult tasks out of the way

Tell yourself that you must finish the most undesirable task(s) first before you move on to the ones you enjoy doing.

It’s really down to mind over matter. Self-talk can really help in these situations and keep you motivated.


3. Make a daily task list to help with procrastination

If you want to have any success in tackling your procrastination, you’ll find making a list can help you stay on track.

As we mentioned in the previous tips, get the most difficult tasks out of the way first.

Stay on track by looking at the big picture and how each task can be organized. By seeing all the tasks before you on your list means you can organize it and classify it.

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4. Reward yourself

Every time you complete a challenging task you should reward yourself for your accomplishments.

It’s all about changing your mindset, start turning negative talk into positive talk.

Completing a more challenging task should merit a reward. This could be buying yourself something new, or going out to lunch with a partner of friend to celebrate.


5. Be more considerate

Taking too long to finish a task or even never even starting it can have a real effect on the other people in your life.

For example, perhaps your partner needs you to clear out some clutter so he can decorate a bedroom.

You are constantly saying you’ll get around to it, but nothing ever happens.

Or your boss or coworker ask you for some data they need to finish a project, but you don’t deliver.

Think about how you would feel if you were kept waiting by someone who doesn’t seem to be considering your feelings?

Not pleasant, eh?

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