12 Ways to Save Money on Your Weekly Groceries Bill

Don’t you find it so annoying that prices in the shops are going up and up, but wages are hardly moving? Very frustrating.

If you’re interested to know what the average grocery budget is in various US cities (22 in all) then take a look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Surveys where the data is gathered on a regular basis.

It includes what is known as “food at home” and includes products like, meats, fish, poultry, fruit and vegetables, eggs, fish, cereals and bakery items.

You’ll be surprised at the different amounts spends by the average household in certain cities. Take a look at these 5 books to save money on your grocery shopping.

But, here’s the deal… what if I told you there are 12 ways to save money on your weekly shop?

Just think, the money you’ll save can go towards your well-needed vacations!

But here’s the good news, there are plenty of simple ways you can save money on your weekly shop without sacrificing quality and I’m going to share some of them with you.

Save on Groceries

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12 Ways to Save Money on Your Weekly Groceries Bill 

1. Make a list

Always make a list of what you need and never leave it to your impulses to grab products off the shelves (stick to your listed items only).

2. Go coupon crazy

There are loads of coupons you can use to save $$$ on your weekly shop. Here are some of the best ones around. Check out the Smart Source regularly for more great bargains using coupons.

3. Avoid pre-packed meals

While you still had a job or were earning more you could have gone down the pre-packed meal route to save you time and effort. But now you’re on a shoestring budget they’ll just have to go.

Any product that is pre-packed will cost you more in the long run (and they’re full of preservatives and sugar, too.

4. Buy the store’s own brands

Don’t go for well-known brands. Research shows the store’s own brands in many cases are just as nutritional as the posh brands and much cheaper.

Here’s the thing. Many of the stores’ own brands may well be made in the same factory by the same people (although they do like to keep which products under wraps).

QUICK TIP: Take a good look at the ingredients on the back of each product. If they are exactly with the same then they may have been produced by the SAME company.

5. Choose loose fruit & veg

I always shop at my local greengrocer who displays the fruit without packaging. This way I can choose my own fruit and veg and it also avoids plastic packaging.

So, go for fruit and veg that isn’t pre-packed. As we mentioned in Tip 3, any food that is pre-packed is always more expensive.

Save Money on Groceries Bill

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6. DIY ~ Do-it-yourself

I know it takes time, but you can seriously save money by baking your own cakes and bread. Consider investing in a decent bread maker like the bestseller Oster 2Ib Express Bake Machine. Experiment with sauces and desserts. It’s much cheaper in the long run.

7. Avoid buying in bulk

Don’t be tempted to buy in bulk unless you have space or are sure you’re going to use up the products before their sell-by date. Sometimes buying in bulk can actually cost you more unless you know you use them before the use-by date.

8. Eat before shopping

Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach as your brain will send signals to your belly when you see all those cakes, biscuits and sugar-filled goodies (sorry I mean baddies).

9. Go ‘Kidless’

If possible, leave the kids at home when you go shopping. They have their own agenda and will lead you to all the products you shouldn’t be buying.

10. Try frozen vegetables

If you find you’re throwing out a lot of fresh fruit or vegetables regularly as they are not used up before they go off, then consider buying the frozen equivalent.

It may cost a little more, but you won’t have any wastage and could end up saving money.

Need some help with freezer meal planning?

If you’re struggling with your meal planning then check  out MyFreezEasy. They take the strain out of planning meals. From the same team that created $5 Dollar MealPlans website.
Summer Freezer Meals
Free up your time and spend more time with your family

With the cost of living so high now, we are all looking for ways to save money on food. Freezing food is a great way to budget on your weekly shop.

By preparing food in advance and using freezing techniques you can save a lot of money. Also, not only does it eliminate food waste and save you loads of time, but you’ll never have to dread the What’s For Dinner?” dilemma every night.

Mean planning helps you create more time and space in your life and allows you to concentrate on the things that matter to you!

11. Avoid some tinned food

Any beans, peas, sweetcorn and most other vegetables in tins will cost more than their fresh equivalent. Plus they also contain more sugar and preservatives, so go for fresh veg. But remember, only buy what you need to avoid wastage.

12. Check ‘reduced items’ times

Check out when your local shop or supermarket put their products up for a reduced price. Many will aim at around early evening from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm or just before closing.

They know most parents have already done their daily or weekly shop before this time. It’s worth just asking one of the staff when the best time to find bargains is. They are usually happy to tell you as, after all, they don’t want good food to go to waste. 🙂

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