8 Ways to Get Back With Your Ex & Make Them Want You

Want to get back with your ex? So many of us have been there, right?

Yes, it’s tough when the love of your life walks away and your relationship ends.

So, today we’re going to cover the 8 simple steps to get back with your ex.

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get back with ex

Maybe you’ve been thinking just how much you meant to each other and can’t really understand why you broke up in the first place.

But how do you go about the steps needed to get your ex-partner back?

You’ve come to realize just how special your relationship with your ex really was and would love to have them be part of your life again.

Let’s face it, there are many reasons a relationship breaks down.

But, if you do want to get back with your ex then you’ll have to devise a serious game plan to rekindle your romance.

If you know in your heart of hearts that you were meant for each other. You’re ready to take some action to get back together then these steps can help you:

8 Ways to Get Back With Your Ex & Make Them Want You
8 Ways to Get Back With Your Ex & Make Them Want You

1. Don’t chase him (or her)

Whatever you do, DO NOT chase them, or even worse, start stalking them by appearing everywhere they go.

That’s a big turn off for most people. This kind of behavior will show them how desperate you are and push a bigger wedge between you.

2. Get to know yourself better

You’ve got to face the facts, was it your fault they drifted away? Sometimes we just aren’t aware of our own behavior, maybe you’ve been too bossy, or too dependent on your ex.

Or you’ve taken them for granted and ignored their affections and advances (assuming he or she will always be there when you feel available).

Take some serious time to reflect on how you behaved in your relationship. This means looking at the times the two of you were in conflict about something.

What was it? Why did you differ? Write all this down, as research shows if we write things down, we take them more seriously than just thinking about them.

These are the important signs pointing to your values, beliefs and attitudes. You have to pinpoint where the conflict occurred if you want to have any real chance of healing your relationship.

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3. Use humility

After giving them some time to have their ‘breathing space’, it’s OK to contact them just for a friendly chat.

Explain how you’ve done some serious thinking and understand why they have made the decision to take a break from the relationship.

Remind your ex of all the positive times you’ve spent together and what you have in common. Don’t bring up any negative aspects from the past.

If you want to persuade them to get back with you then you need to take a different mental attitude.

Above all, you need to show them how much you care for them and are willing to give it another go and hope they do too.

Now, I’m not a relationship coach, but I have searched around for a relationship expert who can give you FREE expert dating advice.

Brad Browning is a Relationship/Dating Coach, who specializes in showing you how to get back with your ex. Take a look at his FREE VIDEO, after all, it won’t cost you anything!

4. Really FOCUS on getting them back

If you’re really determined to get back with your ex then you’ll need to get rid of all the negative energy from other people and their influences.

Usually, when a relationship breaks up your friends and family members will share their opinions on the break up (good and bad).

While that was great at the time, it can often be a challenge to explain why you now want to get back with them again. Be prepared for them to question your reasons for wanting to get back with your ex.

Besides, getting back together with your partner can take time and effort.

You may be spending a lot of time with your friends (or even in a relationship with someone else).

If this is so, then you’ve got to clear the deck and make getting back with your ex-partner a real priority in your life.


You can check out this FREE video on how to get back with your ex.

5. Don’t sell your soul

Besides, life isn’t always a bed of roses, right? You could get a rejection from your ex-partner. If this does happen don’t start to grovel, keep your dignity and pride.

Above all, keep in mind the reasons the relationship actually ended in the first place.

Most importantly, you need to do some soul-searching into how you’ll address those same issues with your partner this time around.

6. Take time to reflect

Take time to really appreciate all your ex-partner brought to the relationship. Don’t just focus on the negative things they did, like spending too much time with their friends.

It could be that you were too insecure and hungry for their attention. Most importantly, it takes two to tango and if a relationship has broken down it’s rarely just the fault of one person.

7. Stay positive

Make a list of all the positive things and feelings you experienced when you were with your ex. Besides, often writing things down can be really beneficial. Don’t focus on the negative, as time has moved on.

If you do manage to get back with your partner, then perhaps he or she has changed their ways.

What you may think will be a problem this time around may not be there at all now.

8. Get help if you need it…

In conclusion, you may need some help along the way as it’s good to be objective when you’re trying to rekindle a relationship after a breakup with your ex-partner.

In short, it doesn’t always help to listen to your family members’ or friends’ points of view on the matter. They’ll rarely be totally impartial.

You might need to seek EXPERT ADVICE on how to get your ex back if you are still struggling…

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