30 Long-Shelf-Life Items That Can Save You Loads of Money

This is just a quick article to share how you can save money by buying long-shelf-life items in your weekly shop.

Let’s face it, food shopping is getting more expensive, right? So, read on and you’ll see how making some simple changes to the way you shop and save you a small fortune every year.

This is money you can put towards your next vacation and travel plans!

I’ve found that there are tons of long-shelf-life items in every supermarket you can buy when they are on special offer and use them throughout the year to save dollars on your weekly shop.

Here are just 30 items with long-shelf-life that can save you a small fortune.

When you see them ON SALE grab them as you can save lots of money ($$$) to put towards the good things in your life… like vacations!


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30 Long-Shelf-Life Saving 

OK, here we go with a list of the 30 best long-shelf-life items you can easily find in your supermarkets or corner stores.

1. Baking powder

2. Breadcrumbs

4. Cocoa

5. Coffee

6. Cornflour

7. Couscous

8. Flour

9. Herbs (dried)

10. Honey

11. Ketchup

12. Mustard

13. Olive oil

14. Pasta (dried)

15. Pepper

16. Pet food

17. Rice

18. Salt

19. Soy sauce

20. Spices

21. Stock cubes

22. Sugar

23. Sunflower oil

25. Tea

26. Tinned fruit

27. Tinned soup

28. Tinned tuna

29. Tomato puree

30. Vegetable oil 

Need help with planning economical and healthy meals? For meal planning, ideas and inspiration (and save money $$$) check out the 5 Dollar Meal Plan site.

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